Patients of
heart attack are supervised in the hospital during three days or more before the discharge at the house. The disturbances of rate/rhythm, brevity of the breath due to the cardiac arrest, or the recurring pain of trunk are reasons more of therapy such as the angioplastie of coronary balloon or stenting, the drugs additional, or the surgery of deviation. The patients gradually increase their activity under the observation. Before discharge, a test of low level of effort of exercise can be carried out to detect the important residual contracting in the coronary arteries, the exercise-induced cardiac anomalies of rate/rhythm, and the failure of muscle of heart, and to help to guide the doctor by prescribing a mode of activity after hospitalization. A test of abnormal effort before the discharge of hospital following a heart attack envisages high-risk for following cardiac events; if the patient did not have a coronary angiogram yet, a test of abnormal effort of predischarge is a strong reason to make the angiography. Since the majority of the patients early receive usually the angiography, the use of the test of effort of predischarge decreased. Before taking again the full activity or work, several weeks can be necessary so that the muscle of heart cures. After a small heart attack (few damage to the muscle of heart), the patients usually can take again normal activities after two weeks. These activities include the reference with work like the normal sexual activity. A moderate heart attack (damage moderated with the muscle of heart) requires the activity limited and gradually increasing during up to four weeks, whereas a great heart attack (many damage to the muscle of heart) can have like consequence one period of six weeks re-establishment or longer. These sections of time are necessary so the dead muscle of heart to supplement the process of marking appreciably. For this curative period, the patients should avoid the vigorous effort and heavy lifting (more than 20 books) or any hard activity which causes the brevity of the breath or abnormal tiredness.The cardiac readjustment starts typically during the hospitalization and continuous during the months following a
heart attack. The cardiac programs of readjustment provide a transition useful to a sure and full return to a normal life style. Moreover, the cardiac readjustment allows the regulation of a long-term program of exercise conceived in function each patient and helps of the patients and their families to be adjusted on the changes of life style and the emotions difficult and contradictory which often follow a
heart attack.