The symptoms can appear up to one month front attacks Research by the national institutes of health (NIH) indicates that the women often test the new ones or various physical symptoms as long as one month or more before testing heart attacks.Among the 515 women studied, 95 percent indicated they knew that their symptoms were new or different one months or more before testing their
heart attack, or acute myocardial infarction (FRIENDLY). The symptoms most generally reported were not very common tiredness (70.6-bore), the disturbance of sleep (47.8-bore), and the brevity of the breath (42.1-bore).Many women never had pains of trunkSurprisingly, less than 30% brought back to have the Malayan pain of trunk or it before their
heart attacks, and 43% brought back do not have any pain of trunk during any phase of the attack. The majority of the doctors, however, continue to regard the pain of trunk as the most important symptom of
heart attack in women and men.The study of NIH, entitled “the symptoms of the early detection of the women of the FRIEND,” is one of the first to study the experiment of the women with heart attacks, and how this experiment differs from the men. The identification of the symptoms which provide a first indication of
heart attack, in an imminent way or in the near future, is critical to precede or prevent the disease.In a press release of NIH, a Jean McSweeney, PhD, a RN, a principal investigator of the study at the university of Arkansas for medical sciences in little rock, for example, of the “symptoms such as the indigestion, the disturbances of sleep, or the weakness in the arms, that good number among us experiment daily, were identified per many women in the study as alarms for the FRIEND. Since there was considerable variability in the frequency and severity of the symptoms,” it added, “us must know to which point these symptoms contribute us to envisage a cardiac event. ”Symptoms of the women not like foreseeableAccording to Patricia A.Grady, PhD, RN, director of the NINR, “more and more, it is obvious that the symptoms of the women are not as foreseeable as the men. This study offers the hope which the women and the clinicians will carry out the range of symptoms which can indicate the
heart attack. It is important not to miss the occasion earliest possible to prevent or relieve the FRIEND, who is the cause of the number one of died in women and men.”