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Sunday, October 28, 2007

Heart attack - more symptoms

Health experts believe that the prevention of heart disease, especially arteriosclerotic heart disease, is possible. To be sure, some risk factors are uncontrollable, such as gender, age and genetics; But there are a number of dietary and lifestyle changes that can reduce the risk. Arteriosclerotic heart disease may be referred to as arteriosclerosis and is characterized by thickening and loss of elasticity of the walls of blood vessels. Atherosclerosis, which is a very similar and often confused term is defined as a form of a stadium or arteriosclerotic heart disease, in which plaque accumulates on the inner lining of the blood vessel wall. The prevention of heart disease focuses primarily on the prevention of this plaque. Plaque found in the arteries of the heart, it is called atheroma. This plate is composed of an accumulation of macrophage inflammatory leukocytes. It is believed that increasing amounts of LDL, the bad cholesterol begin circulating in the bloodstream, with changes in the diet and habits that start at school age children and are often carried into adulthood. Current research indicates that LDL cholesterol irritates and damages the lining of the blood vessels, leading to the inflammatory responses that cause plaque. It is apparently a very slow process. It is quite possible that the efforts for the prevention of heart disease should begin at an early age. Some of the suggestions from the American Heart Association for the prevention of heart disease include the fight against childhood obesity and improving the nutritional value of the typical child of food or the typical "school lunch." Fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean sources of protein, such as fish or chicken, not fried or breaded, are heart healthy choices. The best tests for the early detection of arteriosclerotic heart disease are not commonly used or widely accepted. They are generally not covered by health insurance plans, and often the disease is not detected until symptoms appear. According to data collected in 2004, a heart attack or sudden cardiac death is often the first symptom of arteriosclerotic heart disease. Thus, the annual bill of health is extremely important. While doctors do not perform tests for the early stages of heart disease, they usually check the weight, blood pressure and cholesterol levels. They are the best indicators that the medical community has at the moment. In addition, a simple blood test for C-reactive protein, produced by the body during the inflammatory process, may indicate that the inflammation in the arteries is present. High blood pressure, high levels of LDL cholesterol and C-reactive protein circulates in the blood, as well as obesity, age and heredity are all risk factors for the development of arteriosclerotic heart disease. Blood Glucose also play a role, uncontrolled diabetes, particularly type II or adult-onset diabetes is now regarded as a risk factor. However, the onset of adult diabetes appears to be related to poor diet, lack of exercise and obesity as well. While lowering the age of the parents or the modification is not possible, the control of other risk factors may contribute to the prevention of heart disease. According to the latest research, it appears that the use of a combination of approaches for the prevention of heart disease is more effective than a single approach. Among these approaches are: making dietary changes, weight loss (especially around the abdomen), reducing blood glucose to normal and low intake of certain dietary supplements. Controlling blood pressure and lowering levels of LDL cholesterol can be achieved through changes in the diet or prescription medication may be necessary. The same is true for the reduction of blood glucose. The supplements that can help prevent heart disease include antioxidants, B vitamins and folic acid. Mangoustan puree, a dietary supplement, contains the most antioxidants available from a single source. These antioxidants scavenge free radicals that can cause cellular damage leading to arteriosclerotic heart disease. Mangoustan is an exotic fruit of Southeast Asia, and should not be confused with the more mundane mango. Mangoustan is an excellent source of B vitamins and folic acid to help reduce homocysteine, an amino acid found in meat. Hypertension, the levels of homocysteine are associated with the early development of arteriosclerotic disease. In addition, the mangosteen contains natural anti-inflammatory properties that may be useful for the prevention of heart disease.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

You Must Do It If Heart Attack Occured

The American association of heart and the heart, the lung, and the institute nationals of blood launched a new “Law countryside in Temps” to increase the conscience of the people of the heart attack and the importance to immediately call 9-1-1 at the beginning of the symptoms of heart attack. To find the bonds here. To compose 9-1-1 rapid The heart attack and the race are urgencies of life-and-death - each second account. If you see or have enumerated symptoms the ones of, immediately the call 9-1-1. Not all these signs occur in each heart attack or race. Sometimes they leave and turn over. So some occur, to obtain the fast assistance! The victims today of heart attack and race can draw benefit from new drugs and inalienable treatments the patients in years afterwards. For example, clot-bright drugs can stop some heart attacks and rub moving, reducing the incapacity and saving saw. But to be effective, these drugs must be given relatively quickly after the symptoms of heart attack or race appear initially. So much still, not to delay - to obtain the assistance immediately! Statistics The coronary cardiac disorder is any 1 killer of America. The race is not the 3 and one principal cause of serious incapacity. This is why it is so important to reduce your factors of risk, to know the panels of warning, and to know to answer quickly and correctly if the panels of warning occur. Panels of warning of heart attackSome heart attacks are sudden and intense - “the film heart attack,” where single doubts what occurs. But the majority of the heart attacks start slowly, by the soft Malayan pain or it. Often affected people are not sure what is badly and makes an attempt too a long time front to obtain the assistance. Here the signs which can mean that heart attack occurs:Faintness of trunk. The majority of the heart attacks imply it Malayan in the center of the trunk which lasts more than a few minutes, or which leaves and returns. It can feel like the pressure, tightening, plenitude or the uncomfortable pain. Faintness in other sectors of the higher body. The symptoms can include the Malayan pain or it in one or the two arms, the back, the neck, the jaw or the stomach. Brevity of faintness of trunk of breath with or without. Other signs can include the bursting in a cold sweat, a nausea or a distraction As with the men, the most common symptom of heart attack of the women is pain of trunk or faintness. But the women are slightly that men to test some of the other common symptoms, in particular brevity of the breath, nausea/vomiting, and back pain or of jaw.To learn the signs, but to remember this: Even if you are not sure it is a heart attack, make it check. Matter of minutes! The fast action can save the lives - perhaps your clean. Not to wait more than five minutes to call 9-1-1.To call 9-1-1 is almost always the fastest manner to obtain the treatment of rescue. The personnel of medical departments of help can begin the treatment when they arrive - until one hour at earlier than if somebody arrives at the hospital in the car. The personnel are also trained to restore somebody whose heart stopped. The patients presenting the pain of trunk who arrive by the ambulance receive usually a faster treatment the hospital, too.If you cannot reach the medical departments of help (EMS), to make immediately lead you to somebody at the hospital. If you are that having symptoms, not to act, unless you do not have any other option absolutely.

Methods Of Treatment Of Heart Attacks

The private clinic of Mayo employs a multidisciplinary approach to treat the heart attack. Typically, the patients progress by four data processing runs. Each one includes several members of the team of health. Diagnosis: Department of help - diagnosis fast, preparation for the treatment and fast transfer to the cardiac laboratory of catheterisation. (Doctors and nurses of department of help). Treatment: Cardiac laboratory of catheterisation - angiogram and opening cardiac of the arteries with the dilation of balloon and/or the placement stent. (Cardiologists, electrophysiologists of Interventional). Re-establishment: Coronary unit of care (CCU) - monitoring, evaluation and formulation of complete and long-term plan of readjustment. (Preventive Cardiologists, social nurses, workmen, physical therapeutists, professional therapeutists and spiritual chiefs). Readjustment: Cardiovascular program of readjustment - execution of readjustment and cardiac plan of health, long-term follow-up. (Cardiologists, physiologists of exercise, dieticians, preventive advisers of the nicotine-dependence). During a heart attackAfter diagnosis, patients of heart attack to the private clinic of Mayo are quickly transferred to the cardiac laboratory from catheterisation. After having located filling with a interventional of catheter (angiogram coronary,) the cardiologists have two options to open the artery: Coronary Angioplastie - using a catheter which was threaded in the middle by an artery in the leg of the patient, the cardiologist of interventional inserts a small baloon into the site of filling. The balloon is then increased to push the wall of ship outside. In certain cases, a small tube of wire (stent) is placed in the artery to still keep it closing. Some patients are equipped with the stents drug-coatings, which are furnished with time-release the drug to maintain the artery open and healthy. See it video of an open artery with the angioplastie, reconstituting the normal flow of blood in the middle. To see more about the catherterization of heart. Surgery of coronary deviation of artery - when interventions catheter-based cannot be carried out or the angioplastie does not open the blocked ship, to deviate the surgery can create a turning so that blood deviates filling. A piece court of blood vessel is taken of another place in the body (usually a vein of leg) and is connected in the aorta on an end and, other, with the artery of heart downstream from a filling. Blood is rechemine by this “deviation” to nourish the heart. So more than one artery is blocked, each one can be deviated.The majority of the heart attacks, with the private clinic of Mayo, are treated with the cardiac catheterisation and the coronary angioplastie to open the blocked artery, and of the drugs are sometimes also employed to improve survival of the cells of muscle of heart. The types of drugs used include: The agents and the anticoagulants of Antiplatelet thin blood and reduce the formation of the clots of blood in the arteries. Beta-blockers facilitate the work of the heart by slowing down its rate/rhythm and by decreasing the blood pressure. Soulageurs and the nitroglycerin of pain are managed to reduce the pain and to relieve it Malayan during a heart attack.Drugs of Thrombolytic - drugs of Thrombolytic are effective drugs which dissolve the clot of blood in the coronary artery can also be employed to treat acute heart attacks. It is the majority of the employees often one or the other hospitalized which present very early during the attack or when they present at a hospital without expertise in the angioplastie for acute heart attacks. After a heart attack: Coronary unit of careAfter head end of heart attack in the cardiac laboratory of catheterisation, from the patients to the private clinic of Mayo are transferred to the coronary unit of care (CCU) for the monitoring and the evaluation. Here, of the drugs can be prescribed to help with the curative process and for the long-term prevention of another heart attack. These drugs can include cholesterol-to lower drugs, converting inhibitors of enzyme of angiotensin (inhibitors of C#), of beta-blockers and the adjusters of calcium channel. The preventive cardiologist of the patient will determine which drugs are suitable. Moreover, the preventive cardiologist will start to formulate a plan personalized in the long run of readjustment, which is established by the cardiovascular program of readjustment. Cardiovascular program of readjustment. The complete plan of the readjustment of a patient of heart attack can include:Gestion de tension arterielle. The plan should have safeguards so that patients don't overdo exercise at first, and also should include long-term recommendations for daily exercise to improve the heart's function and performance. Diet prescription. Recovery from a heart attack is easier and faster when certain foods are avoided, such as salt, "bad" fats like saturated or trans fats, and cholesterol. Likewise, other foods are typically recommended for a quick recovery and long-term health, such as "good" fats like monounsaturated or polyunsatruated fats, and foods containing antioxidants. Stress management. Stress reduction helps lower blood pressure and the work required of the heart.

What a patient can wait during the re-establishment of a heart attack?

Patients of heart attack are supervised in the hospital during three days or more before the discharge at the house. The disturbances of rate/rhythm, brevity of the breath due to the cardiac arrest, or the recurring pain of trunk are reasons more of therapy such as the angioplastie of coronary balloon or stenting, the drugs additional, or the surgery of deviation. The patients gradually increase their activity under the observation. Before discharge, a test of low level of effort of exercise can be carried out to detect the important residual contracting in the coronary arteries, the exercise-induced cardiac anomalies of rate/rhythm, and the failure of muscle of heart, and to help to guide the doctor by prescribing a mode of activity after hospitalization. A test of abnormal effort before the discharge of hospital following a heart attack envisages high-risk for following cardiac events; if the patient did not have a coronary angiogram yet, a test of abnormal effort of predischarge is a strong reason to make the angiography. Since the majority of the patients early receive usually the angiography, the use of the test of effort of predischarge decreased. Before taking again the full activity or work, several weeks can be necessary so that the muscle of heart cures. After a small heart attack (few damage to the muscle of heart), the patients usually can take again normal activities after two weeks. These activities include the reference with work like the normal sexual activity. A moderate heart attack (damage moderated with the muscle of heart) requires the activity limited and gradually increasing during up to four weeks, whereas a great heart attack (many damage to the muscle of heart) can have like consequence one period of six weeks re-establishment or longer. These sections of time are necessary so the dead muscle of heart to supplement the process of marking appreciably. For this curative period, the patients should avoid the vigorous effort and heavy lifting (more than 20 books) or any hard activity which causes the brevity of the breath or abnormal tiredness.The cardiac readjustment starts typically during the hospitalization and continuous during the months following a heart attack. The cardiac programs of readjustment provide a transition useful to a sure and full return to a normal life style. Moreover, the cardiac readjustment allows the regulation of a long-term program of exercise conceived in function each patient and helps of the patients and their families to be adjusted on the changes of life style and the emotions difficult and contradictory which often follow a heart attack.

Some Information About Heart Attacks

What is a heart attack?
A heart attack (also known under the name of myocardial infarction) is the death of the muscle of heart of the sudden filling of a coronary artery by a clot of blood. The coronary arteries are blood vessels which provide the muscle of heart blood and oxygen. The filling of a coronary artery deprives the muscle of heart of blood and oxygen, causing damage with the muscle of heart. The damage with the muscle of heart causes the pain and the pressure of trunk. If the flow of blood is not reconstituted within 20 to 40 minutes, the irreversible death of the muscle of heart will start to occur. The muscle continues to die during six to eight hours when that the heart attack is usually “achieve. ” The dead muscle of heart is replaced by fabric of scar. Roughly a million Americans suffer a heart attack every year. Four hundred thousands of them stamps because of their heart attack. To click here to look at the interactive photographs of the hearts which suffered a heart attack.
How a heart attack is treated?
The treatment of the heart attacks include: drugs of Anti-plate to prevent the formation of the clots of blood in the arteries. Drugs of anticoagulant to prevent the growth of the clots of blood in the arteries. The coronary angiography with one or the other the coronary angioplastie transluminale percutaneous (PTCA) with or without stenting to open blocked the coronary arteriesthe drugs of Clot-dissolution to be opened blocked arteries. Additional oxygen to increase the supply oxygen with the muscle of the heart. Drugs to decrease the need for oxygen by the muscle of the heart. Drugs to prevent abnormal rates/rhythms of heart. The primary education goal of the treatment is to open the blocked artery quickly and to reconstitute the flow of blood to the muscle of heart, a D-perfusion called of process. Once the artery is opened, the damage with the muscle of heart ceases, and the patient becomes free pain. By to the minimum reducing the extent of the damage of muscle of heart, the D-perfusion early preserves the function of pumping of the heart. The optimal advantage is obtained if the D-perfusion can be established in the four first at six hours of a heart attack. To delay by establishing the D-perfusion can have like consequence of the more widespread damage to the muscle of heart and a greater reduction in the capacity of the heart to pump blood. The patients presenting the hearts which cannot pump sufficient blood develop the cardiac arrest, the capacity decreased to be exerted, and the abnormal rates/rhythms of heart. Thus, the quantity of healthy muscle of heart remaining after a heart attack is the determining cause most important of the future quality of the life and longevity.

Heart Attack Symptoms

The symptoms can appear up to one month front attacks Research by the national institutes of health (NIH) indicates that the women often test the new ones or various physical symptoms as long as one month or more before testing heart attacks.Among the 515 women studied, 95 percent indicated they knew that their symptoms were new or different one months or more before testing their heart attack, or acute myocardial infarction (FRIENDLY). The symptoms most generally reported were not very common tiredness (70.6-bore), the disturbance of sleep (47.8-bore), and the brevity of the breath (42.1-bore).Many women never had pains of trunkSurprisingly, less than 30% brought back to have the Malayan pain of trunk or it before their heart attacks, and 43% brought back do not have any pain of trunk during any phase of the attack. The majority of the doctors, however, continue to regard the pain of trunk as the most important symptom of heart attack in women and men.The study of NIH, entitled “the symptoms of the early detection of the women of the FRIEND,” is one of the first to study the experiment of the women with heart attacks, and how this experiment differs from the men. The identification of the symptoms which provide a first indication of heart attack, in an imminent way or in the near future, is critical to precede or prevent the disease.In a press release of NIH, a Jean McSweeney, PhD, a RN, a principal investigator of the study at the university of Arkansas for medical sciences in little rock, for example, of the “symptoms such as the indigestion, the disturbances of sleep, or the weakness in the arms, that good number among us experiment daily, were identified per many women in the study as alarms for the FRIEND. Since there was considerable variability in the frequency and severity of the symptoms,” it added, “us must know to which point these symptoms contribute us to envisage a cardiac event. ”Symptoms of the women not like foreseeableAccording to Patricia A.Grady, PhD, RN, director of the NINR, “more and more, it is obvious that the symptoms of the women are not as foreseeable as the men. This study offers the hope which the women and the clinicians will carry out the range of symptoms which can indicate the heart attack. It is important not to miss the occasion earliest possible to prevent or relieve the FRIEND, who is the cause of the number one of died in women and men.”